🦹‍♂️Our Team

At Nomoex, we are propelled forward by a dynamic team of 30 talented individuals. This diverse group consists of 20 dedicated full-time employees and an additional cohort of 10 skilled freelancers. Together, they bring a breadth of expertise across blockchain, finance, technology, and marketing, driving our commitment to innovate and excel in the cryptocurrency exchange and staking platform.

Executive Leadership

Abhishek Mahto - Founder & CEO

Abhishek Mahto is a seasoned entrepreneur with over six years of experience in the tech and crypto sectors. As the CEO and founder of Nomoex, he uses his deep industry insights to propel the company toward innovative developments and strategic growth. Before founding Nomoex, Abhishek served as the CEO of MBT Ventures, Where he has proven his skills in building high-tech solutions and navigating the complexities of the startup ecosystem. Under his leadership, MBT Ventures grew to manage assets worth $60 million, demonstrating his ability to drive successful business strategies in highly competitive markets.

Recognized as one of the "100 Emerging Entrepreneurs 2023" by FOX Story India and as the winner of the Global Start-up Summit 2023, Abhishek's achievements highlight his capacity to lead and innovate within the rapidly evolving tech landscape. His strategic foresight continues to shape Nomoex's journey in the cryptocurrency domain, ensuring the platform remains at the cutting edge of technology and market trends.

Anurag Jha - Co-Founder & COO

Anurag Jha is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Nomoex, where he leverages over a decade of experience in operational management and strategic partnerships. Alongside Abhishek Mahto, he has co-founded several successful startups under MBT Ventures, showcasing his expertise in scaling innovative business solutions.

In his role at Nomoex, Anurag drives the operational strategy. He oversees the execution of strategic initiatives, ensuring the platform operates efficiently and remains adaptive in the fast-evolving cryptocurrency market.

M.Balasubramaniam - CFO

M. Balasubramaniam, CFO of Nomoex, has a diverse background, starting his career as a pilot and later transitioning into architecture and finance. Recognized as the best cadet by India's President and Prime Minister, he has spent over a decade in the financial industry, managing an investment portfolio worth $120 million.

He is the founder of Adyton Ventures. At Nomoex, his extensive financial expertise and strategic vision are instrumental in guiding the company’s financial strategies and ensuring market compliance.

Chakravarthi B, Director (Nomoex Poland)

Leading our European operations, Chakravarthi aligns Nomoex’s strategic goals with the specific regulatory and market demands of the European Union. His leadership ensures operational excellence and compliance across European markets.

Davinci Jeremie, Strategic Advisor

Davinci Jeremie or Davincij15 serves as a Strategic Advisor for Nomoex, bringing with him an extensive background in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Known for being an early adopter of Bitcoin, Davinci bought into Bitcoin in 2011, well before it became a mainstream investment. His deep understanding of the cryptocurrency market and foresight in emerging technologies have made him a respected figure in the crypto community. With his substantial personal crypto portfolio and experience, Davinci provides invaluable insights and guidance to Nomoex.

His expertise is especially beneficial in shaping strategic decisions and enhancing the platform's offerings to better meet the needs of a rapidly evolving digital asset landscape. His contributions are pivotal in ensuring that Nomoex stays ahead of industry trends and continues to offer innovative solutions to its users.

Nick Hellman, Strategic Advisor

Nick Hellman or cryptohitmann is a Crypto Trader & Miner, He serves as a strategic advisor for Nomoex. He has been in the crypto industry since 2015 and also runs a company called Wyckoff SMI. He is a prominent cryptocurrency influencer, educator, and advocate. He is widely recognized for his insightful analysis, market predictions, and educational content that demystifies the complexities of the cryptocurrency world. Through his engaging and informative posts, Nick has built a substantial following of dedicated crypto enthusiasts who rely on his expertise to navigate the volatile crypto market. His dedication to education, insightful analysis, and active community engagement aligns perfectly with Nomoex’s goals. We are excited to collaborate with Nick and leverage his expertise to enhance the Nomoex platform and community further.

Danny, Marketing Advisor

Danny, known by his social media handle Revolut20, is a highly influential figure in the cryptocurrency and financial technology (fintech) communities. With a strong online presence and a focus on innovation in finance, Danny has become a trusted source for insights and updates in the crypto and fintech spaces. He is a prominent figure on social media, particularly on Twitter, where he shares his expertise and analysis on cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and fintech advancements. His content is appreciated for its clarity, accuracy, and forward-thinking perspective, attracting a diverse audience of crypto enthusiasts, investors, and fintech professionals. He is a valuable partner in Nomoex’s mission to make cryptocurrency trading accessible, informed, and innovative.

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